
Cytress: Cyberpunk Board Game

Created by Sean Lee

A competitive 1 to 5 player game set in a cyberpunk fortress ruled by elites in three-dimensional floating cities.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Overcoming Printing Challenges and Improving Your Cytress Experience!
7 months ago – Sat, Dec 30, 2023 at 01:29:37 PM

Hey Cyberpunks!

As we share these exciting updates about Cytress, we want to take a moment to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎄✨. As promised, we wanted to keep you in the loop about some unexpected hiccups we encountered in the printing process.

1. Structural Adjustments for Stratos Tower:Our initial tower design faced a challenge – the Stratos tower's strength, especially on Level 1, wasn't up to par due to the structural integrity of the dielines. We discovered that the front left and right corners were a bit wobbly. To address this, we extended the front-facing bit underneath Level 1 and made adjustments to the back, enhancing stability. We've simplified and strengthened the structures to ensure they're more load-bearing without compromising on strength. The front- and back-facing legs have been beefed up to match the side legs, creating a sturdier tower overall. We're also fine-tuning the 'slot tolerance' to maximize strength.

Our redesign is more than meets the eye – enhanced strength, stability, and a sleek new look. Get ready to elevate Stratos to new heights!
Structural Evolution in Stratos Tower Design! 🔄 From the old red dieline to the sleek new white version, witness the transformation for enhanced structural integrity. Building a stronger, more stable Stratos experience, one dieline at a time! 💪🏰
Unveiling the Stratos Tower's Artistic Glow-Up! 🌟✨ Check out the revamped white dieline with enhanced art and a wider canvas.

2. Additional Adjustments:During the printing review process, we identified a few more areas for improvement:

  • Countersheets Blackcore 2: We've recut and outlined the side facing Stratos tower's intersection to ensure a snug fit, enhancing overall stability.
  • Cytress District Board: The title was hidden when the Stratos tower was assembled, prompting us to slide it to the left. Additionally, we made a 4mm wider die line cut down the middle of the Cytress district board for a seamless fit.
  • Resource Board: To improve readability, we've increased the size of leader and transport icons.
  • Cytress Cards (Intel Rovers): The 6 blue icons now have their missing white inner/top icon layer, ensuring completeness.
  • Box Top: The game stats strip on the left side panel had visibility issues, so we've increased contrast for better clarity.
  • Countersheets Greycore 2: We corrected the cost of the Privateer district intel card, marking it as 2 instead of 3. Additionally, we removed the tiny faction icon from inside the intel card icons of the Privateers and Corpocrat boards.

These adjustments might have caused a slight delay, but we're dedicated to delivering a top-notch Cytress experience. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to make these improvements. Our team is committed to ensuring that every detail is perfect before we send Cytress your way.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being an integral part of the Cytress journey!


Sean and the Cytress Team

KS Printing Update + NEW VIDEO
9 months ago – Wed, Nov 08, 2023 at 02:00:04 AM

Hey Cyberpunks!


Welcome back to the neon-soaked world of our monthly update. In our  previous transmission, I jacked into your feeds with news that  production could potentially reach its zenith around December. Unfortunately, we've hit a snag due to issues with the print files and the rulebook revolving around the solo mode components. This means our best-case scenario for December won't be realized, but it doesn't rule out the approximate 10-week timeline from the start to finish.

The good news is that these issues are fixable, and we're actively working to prepare the print files. I've been in close communication with my publisher about these issues for the past two weeks. You might have noticed some changes in the components in this video from the print file we shared in previous updates; it's mainly the solo mode that's been updated.

The rulebook's printing typically doesn't take long and is usually scheduled for the latter half of the production run. So, we still have some time to work on rulebook editing before sending it to the printer again. Currently, our focus is on preparing the main print files, starting with the blackcore punch boards, then moving on to the whitecore punch boards, and finally the rest of the components, in that order.

In the meantime, as promised in our previous update, we've had some exciting games of Cytress this month. The new video above features a 2-player game, and if you're struggling to understand the rules or the game itself, I recommend watching it. It breaks down the phases and actions, which will help you play the game better and explore more strategies. Just promise me you won't make a blunder like the one I did in this 2-player game!

Stay plugged in, and we'll keep you updated on our journey through the neon-lit labyrinth of game development.

Best regards, 

Sean and the Cytress Team

Update on Pre-Printing Assessment and Timelines
10 months ago – Tue, Oct 03, 2023 at 10:15:04 PM

Hey Cyberpunks!

I trust this message finds you well amidst the neon-lit streets and digital sprawl of our cyberpunk world. It has been two months since our last update, and I want to provide you with a detailed status report on the progress of your project. Yes, we're still in the pre-printing assessment phase, and I understand that it might seem like a longer journey than anticipated. I want to assure you that every moment has been dedicated to perfecting your project to the highest standard.

During these two months, there has been a significant amount of file tweaking to ensure that everything works seamlessly. We've encountered some delays from our manufacturer and have also faced unexpected challenges from our publisher's end. However, as of today, we've completed everything within our control, and we are now eagerly waiting for the manufacturer's approval and the sample print file.

Our primary focus at this point remains unchanged: conducting thorough pre-printing assessments in close collaboration with our printers. These assessments are absolutely essential to ensure that we have precisely the right materials for every component of the project. Once this crucial step is completed, the actual printing process will commence.

Regarding the timeline, I want to share some promising news. While I remain hopeful about our initial timeline for pre-printing preparation followed by a 14-week production phase, it has been suggested that the process could potentially be expedited due to the extensive checks we've conducted. This could bring the production phase down to approximately 10 weeks. This means that, at the earliest, we can expect production to be completed around December.

Following production, we anticipate a 2-month timeframe for freight to fulfillment centers via sea vessel. This brings us to a fulfillment estimate of February/March. Rest assured, we are doing everything in our power to expedite this process while maintaining the high quality you expect from us.

In summary, we are currently looking at a first-quarter fulfillment, likely in February or March. I want to sincerely thank you for your patience, understanding, and unwavering support throughout this journey. 

In addition to this update, we have some exciting news to share. We've started creating videos showcasing gameplay of your upcoming game. This will be an ongoing initiative, with new videos released every month, featuring interactions with backers, friends, and even special guests. We believe this will be a great way to keep you engaged and entertained during the wait for the game's completion. We can't wait to share more of the electrifying gameplay experience with you as we journey further into the neon-veiled night.

Stay connected and keep your neural interfaces ready for more updates from the cyber-front.

Best regards,

Sean and the Cytress Team

Exciting Progress Update: Print Files Finalization, Printing Timeline, and More! – Please Read to the End!
12 months ago – Wed, Aug 09, 2023 at 01:00:16 AM

Hi Cyberpunks!

We're excited to share that we've made substantial progress since our last update. The print files are now complete! This marks a major milestone as the visual aspects and overall presentation of the game have been finalized. Join us as we delve into the changes from the Kickstarter version to this final print edition. Additionally, we'll discuss the printing process, upcoming steps, and provide insights into when you can expect to receive the game. Thank you for your continued support!

Underbelly Faction Board

Kickstarter Version (Left) vs. Print Version (Right)

Let's take a closer look at the Underbelly board transformation. Notable changes include a complete reshaping of characters – a prime example being the removal of Stratos Board along with the 'netprowler', combining the two boards into one, making way for the introduction of renegades. These renegades are essentially former stratolites who have drifted from their origins and been ostracized from Stratos. The renegades now stand in place of the former 'netprowlers,' aiding the Rebels in their unlawful ascent to Stratos. The image of the Enforcer, formally Bounty Hunter, has also been added to the mix. Furthermore, the district of 'Cytress' has taken over the role of the previous 'underbelly,' as it accurately embodies the essence of the cyberpunk dystopian City's underbelly. This transition prompts the question: What fate has befallen the Stratolites?

Stratolites + Stratos

Kickstarter Version (Left) vs. Print Version (Right)

The Stratolites, as it turns out, have found their new home within Stratos. This decision holds significant thematic value, making it one of the most compelling adjustments we've implemented in the game. The rationale behind this move becomes clear when Rebels venture to the Stratolites' location. Interestingly, their transporters are met with restrictions upon entering Stratos. This intriguing twist mandates players to reposition their transporters from the "meet Stratos" platforms by the end of phase 3. This shift harmonizes seamlessly with the gameplay, as players essentially move their transporters away from the Stratos Tower.

Mission Cards 

Kickstarter Version (Left) vs. Print Version (Right)

We've rebranded these mission cards as Intel Cards, aligning them more closely with the cyberpunk theme. As players navigate through specific districts to procure these cards for their tableau, these cards represent crucial intel for their missions. Once your crew is positioned on the minimap, the 'mission' unfolds, emphasizing the moment of execution. This sequence maintains the mission concept, but now it's concentrated on the subsequent phase when your crew is deployed. Upon interacting with one of the four factions to acquire an intel card, the immediate consequence is the initiation of the mission detailed on the intel card.

Faction Districts  

Kickstarter Version (Left) vs. Print Version (Right)

We're thrilled to present this exciting update, which emerged from a valuable suggestion during a playtest session with one of our esteemed stratolite backers! As depicted on the left, the leaders were primarily intended for influence. However, in their new roles as Rebel leaders, their impact extends beyond mere influence; they can now actively shape the district, bestowing enhanced benefits during your crew placement phase (mission execution). To realize this concept, we've introduced an innovative mechanic known as "spying," enabling your crews to strategically secure resources by judiciously positioning themselves on the minimap subsequent to acquiring intel. This addition injects an extra layer of strategy into gameplay.

Solo Mode  

Updated Print Version (Front & Back)

In the previous iteration, we employed a structured system where the AI responded to specific player actions, creating a somewhat mechanical experience. However, we've now introduced a dynamic adaptation mechanism that responds to your choices, adding an element of unpredictability that's simultaneously intuitive for AI interactions. This adjustment strikes a balance, rendering the solo gameplay more challenging yet seamlessly enjoyable. Furthermore, to elevate the solo experience, we've introduced a tiered difficulty system with five distinct levels. This empowers players to embark on their solo journey at their preferred challenge level, though we recommend starting at level one when acquainting yourself with the game. This variety injects a fresh dimension of engagement into solo play, ensuring a rewarding and immersive experience.

Rebel Boards 

Kickstarter Version (Left) vs. Print Version (Right)

Notably, these boards have undergone a thematic makeover, complete with immersive flavor text that adds depth to the gameplay narrative. In addition, we've taken a deliberate step to enhance usability – all icons have been magnified and textual information streamlined, ensuring a swift and intuitive grasp of the unfolding events. This thoughtful redesign ensures that players can effortlessly comprehend the dynamics at play, enhancing both immersion and accessibility.


Kickstarter Version (Left) vs. Print Version (Right)

Behold the evolution of standees, including those for rebel leaders and transports, which now sport a distinct district-inspired aesthetic, adding an immersive touch to your gameplay. Yet, the most significant transformation lies in the introduction of crew tokens. This addition serves a crucial purpose – ensuring a clear distinction of ownership on the minimap. Drawing inspiration from the conventions seen in video games' traditional minimap displays, where characters' visages often take center stage, we've similarly embraced this approach. Hence, our minimap now prominently features characters' heads or faces, aligning seamlessly with the familiar and intuitive representation style. This innovative change enhances both visual clarity and the overall gaming experience.

A Final Look At The Final Print Files Altogether

Our utmost priority is to ensure that every component in the game boasts superior quality and durability, striking the perfect balance within the specified budget and production constraints. To achieve this, we've embraced an unconventional choice: the utilization of ultra-compressed black board card stock. This premium material, while rare in the gaming industry due to its cost, is imperative for the sturdiness and resilience of the Stratos tower. We're committed to safeguarding the tower's integrity, assuring it remains steadfast even through repeated assembly and disassembly.

When you open the Cytress box, our goal is for you to sense exceptional value and robustness in every detail. We've meticulously designed the game to exhibit durability where it truly matters and a subtle elegance where appropriate. Once you engage in gameplay, our meticulous decision-making process shines through. The intricate balance we've sought to strike among component quality, visual elements, and gameplay has been finely tuned. This delicate equilibrium is of paramount importance, as we recognize the significance of this singular opportunity. We're dedicated to getting every aspect right on this journey, as we understand that we have only one opportunity to achieve excellence.

Printing Timeline

Our current focus is on conducting thorough pre-printing assessments in collaboration with the printers. These crucial checks are essential to ensure that we have precisely the right materials for all the components. Anticipate this phase to encompass an estimated 4-6 weeks before the actual printing commences.

Once the printing process is initiated, please note that it will encompass a duration of approximately 14 weeks. Subsequent to the completion of the game's production, an additional 5-6 weeks will be allocated for sea freight. This segment encompasses the transportation of the games to their respective destinations.

Taking all factors into consideration, we anticipate that the game's delivery will be realized in the early months of the upcoming year. Your patience and enthusiasm are greatly appreciated as we diligently work to ensure a top-notch final product for your enjoyment.

Approaching the Finish Line

Your patience has been truly appreciated as we navigate through this concluding phase. I'd like to extend my sincere apologies once more for the unforeseen delay, a circumstance that didn't sit well with me either. Nevertheless, I am elated to convey that a multitude of enhancements have been meticulously implemented, rendering the delay a decision that, in hindsight, appears poised to yield substantial benefits. This assertion is particularly aligned with my initial goals for Cytress, which I previously shared with you. Rest assured, this extended timeline is dedicated to ensuring that I can present a game that I am genuinely proud of, a sentiment that holds paramount importance.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we endeavor to create a final product that lives up to our shared aspirations.

Best regards,

Sean and the Cytress team

Important Kickstarter Update: Rulebook Iteration Nearly Complete - Printing Prep Underway!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 04:46:33 AM

Dear Cyberpunks,

We are excited to provide you with a long-awaited update on our game Cytress! We appreciate your patience during this process, and we are thrilled to inform you that we are now in the final stages of rulebook iteration.

It's been a while since our last update, and for good reason. We have been meticulously dedicating our time and efforts to fine-tuning the rulebook to ensure it meets our high standards. We are pleased to announce that we are now down to our last 15-20 hours of rulebook iteration. This signifies that once this phase is complete, we can proceed directly to the printing stage.

So, what have we been working on? The focus has been on the crucial aspect of the print files. We have been meticulously arranging and optimizing these files to ensure that they meet the highest standards of print quality. Our goal is to deliver a game that not only captures the essence of the game but also showcases the captivating visuals and artwork in their truest form.

Here are some of the updates we have been implementing:

1. Typography Improvements: We have carefully reviewed and adjusted the typography throughout the game to ensure consistent and legible text. By refining font choices, sizes, and line spacing, we are enhancing the overall readability of the text.

2. Finessing Icons: Our team has been meticulously fine-tuning the icons used in the game. We understand the importance of intuitive visuals, and we want to make sure that every icon accurately represents its corresponding game mechanic, offering a seamless gameplay experience.

3. Print File Optimization: We have been rearranging our print files to achieve the highest quality outcome. By optimizing image resolutions, color profiles, and bleed settings, we are ensuring that the graphics and illustrations are displayed precisely, minimizing any potential print-related issues.

4. Streamlined Layout: We are reevaluating the overall layout of the rulebook to create a smoother and more intuitive reading experience. Clear sectioning and labeling, as well as visual cues such as color coding or borders, will help you easily navigate through different rule sections.

5. Graphic Enhancements: Our team is dedicated to enhancing any graphics, illustrations, or diagrams used in the rulebook. We want to ensure that they are visually appealing, informative, and accurately depict the game components and actions involved.

6. Proofreading and Editing: We are conducting a thorough proofreading and editing process to eliminate any typos, grammatical errors, or inconsistencies in the text. Our aim is to provide you with a rulebook that is error-free and polished.

7. Cross-Referencing: To enhance usability, we are implementing a system of cross-referencing within the rulebook. This will allow you to easily navigate between different sections, ensuring that you can quickly find the information you need.

8. Playtesting Revisions: We have been incorporating valuable feedback from playtesting sessions, making necessary revisions to the rulebook. By addressing any balancing issues, clarifying rules, and providing additional examples, we aim to provide you with a rulebook that is comprehensive and accurately reflects the latest version of the game.

9. Component Lists and Setup Guides: We are including comprehensive lists of game components, their descriptions, and clear setup instructions. These additions will help you quickly familiarize yourself with the game and set it up efficiently for a seamless gaming experience.

10. Visual Examples and Player Aid: We understand the importance of visual aids in understanding complex concepts. To assist you, we are incorporating visual examples, diagrams, and player aids in the rulebook. These visual elements will provide quick references and help clarify any intricate gameplay mechanics.

These updates are just a glimpse of the extensive work we are putting into refining the rulebook. We believe that these improvements will significantly enhance your overall gaming experience, making it more enjoyable and accessible to both new and seasoned players.

We want to express our sincere gratitude for your support throughout this journey. Your enthusiasm and encouragement have been invaluable to us. We will continue to keep you informed about our progress and any further updates.

As always, please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or suggestions you may have. Together, we are creating something truly special.

Thank you once again for your unwavering support.

Warmest regards,

Sean and the Cytress Team